History of Gold Coins

Did you know that gold has been of value for thousands of years? The concept of coinage originates in Asia Minor in the 600s B.C. The idea spread west all the way to Europe, where in the centuries that followed the Persian, Roman, and Phoenician Empires amassed an impressive collection of gold and silver coins. In fact, the Roman generals used silver and gold coins to pay their soldiers. As gold became scarce in Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire in the east was able to supply Europe with their gold coins. During the Renaissance era, coin production and design advanced. Instead of producing an image on the coin by hand, coin makers relegated the task to machines. As design methods improved, portraits and intricate images became the new norm on the face of a coin.

Pile of coins

For thousands of years gold has been used by societies as a reliable way to store wealth, and you can use it too. If you want to learn more about investing in gold bullion or gold coins like the american gold eagle 1/4 oz, visit California Numismatic Investments online or call us at (800) 225-7531.